Call For Paper(en)
Call For Paper(←日本語はこちら)←the LaTeX style files or the MS Word template file(2014.05.23))
DPSWS 2014: The 22nd Annual Workshop of IPSJ Special Interest Group
on Distributed Processing System
Hotel Gyokusen, Tamatsukuri, Shimane, Japan
December 8 - 10, 2014
The IPSJ Special Interest Group on Distributed Processing System
(SIG-DPS) offers a forum for active discussion concerning the following
research areas: distributed systems, communication networks, multimedia
communication, network protocols and so on. DPSWS has started since
1993 as a stay-over workshop to discuss such research topics more
deeply than SIG-DPS quarterly forums. The latest three DPSWS were held
at Towada, Aomori in 2011, Oku-Dogo, Ehime in 2012 and Kusatsu, Gumma
in 2013, respectively. Many researchers have joined the workshop and
have achieved results through the discussions there.
We are pleased to announce DPSWS 2014 that is taking place at
Tamatsukuri, Shimane this year, and we would like to invite you to join
the workshop.
The conference scope includes all areas of distributed processing
systems. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
- Distributed computing, processing, algorithms, and objects
- Multimedia communication, processing, and systems
- Cloud computing
- Grid computing
- Context aware systems
- Mobile computing
- Ubiquitous computing and systems
- Ad-hoc networks
- Peer-to-peer (P2P) and overlay networks
- Communication protocols
- Network architecture
- Sensor networks
- Emergent networks
- Disaster communications
- Route control and QoS (quality of services)
- Network management
- FMC (Fixed Mobile Convergence)
- ITS (intelligent transport systems)
- Kansei (affective) processing and systems
- Participatory and people-centric sensing
- Social network services
- Web services and applications, and mashup (web application hybrid)
- Web service platforms
- SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
- SaaS (Software as a service)
- IMS (Information Management System)
- Power management systems
- Applied systems and social systems
- Information security
- System virtualization
[Paper Submission]
(1) Regular papers
- The workshop welcomes not only scientific papers but also case study
and papers about new issues.
- Submitted papers should be formatted as DPSWS format: A4 portrait and
single-spaced two column style. Please download the LaTeX style files
or the MS Word template file ( We
expect that the number of pages of each paper is around 8 but it should
not be 8.
- All paper submissions will be handled electronically. The submission
page will open soon. Please refer to the following URL:
- All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality through
peer reviewing, and around 40 to 50 of the papers will be accepted to
be published. According to the review result, the committee will
select the best paper and several outstanding papers and will give the
paper award to each author. Moreover, the committee will nominate some
sophisticated papers of them to be published in Journal of IPSJ (JIP)
as a recommended paper by SIG-DPS.
- At the end of the workshop, the committee will give several
presentation awards. Some of the presenters who make an excellent
presentation in English will be awarded another presentation award.
- Please understand that according to the review results, some of the
submitted papers may be accepted as a poster paper or a short
presentation paper.
(2) Special session (Demonstration and Poster) papers
- The workshop welcomes the introduction of a prototype system and a
product, an experiment at the workshop, and so on. We recommend that
the following works should be presented with a poster: the introduction
of a work-in-progress research or a work that needs interactive
discussion with participating researchers for a longer time than the
oral presentation.
- Submitted papers should be formatted as DPSWS format: A4 portrait and
single-spaced two column style. Please download the LaTeX style files
or the MS Word template file(
Submitted papers should be no longer than 6 pages.The number of pages of a submitted paper is not restrected.
- All paper submissions will be handled electronically. The submission
page will open. Please refer to the following URL:
- After the special session, the committee will give several poster or
demonstration awards.
- We cannot guarantee that the Internet access and large power supply for demonstration devices will be provided.
In the last two workshops, we have had the dinner session where each
wishing student got counsel from a few senior researchers of the same
research interests, and fortunately, this session is appreciated. Thus,
we will have the dinner session again in this year. We will be waiting
for students who wish to join the dinner session.
Moreover, the panel session is also planed.
[Important Dates]
- Regular Paper Submission due:(Extended)
August 11, 20146 p.m., August 22, 2014 (Firm Deadline)
- Demonstration/Poster Paper Submission due: September 19, 2014
- Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2014
- Camera-ready Paper Submission due: October 17, 2014
[Organizing Committee]
- General Chair
Ryozo Kiyohara (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Executive Chair
Shinya Yamamoto (Tokyo University of Science, Yamaguchi, Japan)
- Executive Vice Chair
Ken Ohta (NTT DOCOMO Inc., Japan)
- Financial Chair
Akihito Hiromori (Osaka University, Japan)
- Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
Toru Watabe (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)
Satoshi Kato (Matsue National College of Technology, Japan)
- Publicity Chair
Tomoki Kajinami (Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Special (Demonstration/Poster) Session Chair
Masaaki Noro (Fujitsu Laboratory Inc., Japan)
- Panel Session Chair
Masashi Saito (Mitsubishi Electric Corp., Japan)
- Publication Chair
Masaaki Yamanaka (Hiroshima International University, Japan)
- Advisor
Akimitsu Kanzaki (Shimane University, Japan)
[Programing Committee]
- Program Chair:
Tomoya Kitani (Shizuoka University, Japan)
- Program Vice Chair
Tetsuya Shigeyasu (Prefectual University of Hiroshima, Japan)
- Program Committee
[History of the Workshop Places]
Yufuin, Oita (Spring, 1993), Zao, Yamagata (Fall, 1993),
Iizaka, Fukushima (1994), Ise-Shima, Mie (1995),
Hachimantai, Iwate (1995), Aizu, Fukushima (1998), Beppu, Oita (1999),
Minami-Shinshu, Nagano (2000), Appi-kogen, Iwate (2001),
Hakodate, Hokkaido (2002), Aso, Kumamoto (2003),
Wakura, Ishikawa (2004), Naha, Okinawa (2005),
Kirishima, Kagoshima (2006), Kaga, Ishikawa (2007),
Hagi, Yamaguchi (2008), Sounkyo, Hokkaido (2009),
Nichinan-kaigan (2010), Towada, Aomori (2011), Oku-Dogo, Ehime (2012),
Kusatsu, Gumma (2013)
The proceedings of the workshop will be published electronically and
as a printed book. The publication date is the one week before the
first day of the workshop. Please make sure if your work is related to
a patent.
For more information, please refer to the following web page (in